Thursday, March 6, 2008

Sparking Creativity: Investing in Entrepreneurship and Human Capital Post-Katrina

Sparking Creativity: Investing in Entrepreneurship and Human Capital Post-Katrina

New Orleans Historic Collection, 533 Royal St.
*Be sure to come early for free drinks and appetizers

A small business is not just a building – it’s an investment in a person who is willing to invest back into their community. Join us for “Sparking Creativity,” a symposium designed to generate practical discussion, share innovative ideas and explore the value of investing in human capital and entrepreneurship, and nurturing the link between community and culture in New Orleans.

Andrea Floyd, co-founder, Consciously Rebuilding

Blake Haney, creative director, Whence: the studio/Dirty Coast Press/Humid Beings/Willdo

Timolynn Sams, executive director,Neighborhood Partnership Network

Janet Speyrer, associate dean for research and professor of economics, University of New Orleans


Brentin Mock, contributing editor, Next American City
Nathan Rothstein, executive director, NOLA YURP Initiative

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